花旗集团对 NYS AG Letitia James 关于在线欺诈预防措施的诉讼提出异议。 Citigroup disputes NYS AG Letitia James' lawsuit over online fraud prevention measures.
花旗集团正在对纽约州总检察长莱蒂希娅·詹姆斯 (Letitia James) 提起的诉讼提出异议,该诉讼指控该银行未能充分防止在线欺诈。 Citigroup Inc. is contesting a lawsuit from New York State Attorney General Letitia James, which alleges the bank is inadequately preventing online fraud. 花旗集团声称,它有强有力的防范欺诈措施,并声称诉讼可能扰乱电子付款处理标准。 Citigroup asserts it has strong fraud protection measures and claims the lawsuit could disrupt electronic payment processing standards. 银行还辩称,如果银行遵守合理的担保协议,它不承担损失责任。 The bank also argues that it is not liable for losses if it adheres to reasonable security protocols. 2023年,美国人因为网上欺诈损失125亿美元,突显了这一问题的紧迫性。 In 2023, Americans lost $12.5 billion to online fraud, highlighting the issue's urgency.