爱尔兰道路安全管理局主席呼吁对驾驶时使用移动电话的行为处以更严厉的处罚和加大执法力度。 Chair of Ireland's Road Safety Authority calls for stricter penalties and increased enforcement against mobile phone use while driving.
爱尔兰道路安全管理局主席Liz O'Donnell主张对使用移动电话的司机实施更严厉的处罚, Liz O'Donnell, Chair of Ireland's Road Safety Authority, advocates for stricter penalties for drivers using mobile phones, citing a 9% usage rate among drivers. 她辩称,目前的刑罚不够充分,在开车“杀人行为”时使用手机。 She argues current penalties are insufficient and likens phone use while driving to "killer behaviour." RSA 最近的会议强调了对这种分心行为进行污名化的必要性,重点是教育和执法,以降低分心驾驶的风险并改善道路安全。 The RSA's recent conference highlighted the need to stigmatize this distraction, with a focus on education and enforcement, to reduce the risks of distracted driving and improve road safety.