10月8日,马里兰州帕克维尔高中附近发生沥青卡车火灾,导致班级取消和暂时关闭。 An asphalt truck fire near Parkville High School in Maryland on October 8 led to class cancellation and temporary closure.
10月8日,马里兰州巴尔的摩州帕克维尔高中外的一辆沥青卡车发生火灾,导致取消班级、课后活动和排定的晚间活动。 An asphalt truck fire outside Parkville High School in Baltimore County, Maryland, on October 8 led to the cancellation of classes, after-school activities, and a scheduled evening event. 幸运的是,没有学生或工作人员受伤的报告。 Fortunately, no injuries were reported among students or staff. 汽车改道送学生回家,但没有提前解雇。 Buses were rerouted to take students home, but there was no early dismissal. 由于这一事件,学校仍然暂时关闭。 The school remains temporarily closed due to the incident.