TDCX 马来西亚第二次荣获Frost & Sullivan Company年度奖。 TDCX Malaysia honoured with Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year award for the second time.
马来西亚TDCX第二次获得国际年Frost & Sullivan公司奖,表彰该公司在客户经验管理方面的卓越表现。 TDCX Malaysia has received the Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year award for the second time, recognizing its excellence in customer experience management. 该公司的创新实验室开发了分析客户互动的工具,而其 " 敏捷 " 平台则提供了实时的洞察力,以优化业务和增进经验。 The company's Innovation Lab has developed tools for analyzing customer interactions, while its Acuity platform offers real-time insights to optimize operations and enhance experiences. 2023年,马来西亚TDCX客户增加了8%,加强了对强有力的客户关系和具有影响力的服务的承诺。 In 2023, TDCX Malaysia saw an 8% increase in clients, reinforcing its commitment to strong client relationships and impactful services.