研究人员驳斥了飓风控制,强调必须减少温室气体。 Researchers refute hurricane control, emphasizing the need for greenhouse gas reduction.
科学家认为,人类无法控制飓风,揭穿操纵的神话。 Scientists assert that humans cannot control hurricanes, debunking myths of manipulation. 历史的尝试,如StoremfurY项目,未能改变这些强大的风暴。 Historical attempts, like Project STORMFURY, failed to alter these powerful storms. 气候变化通过提高海洋温度和增加降雨量而使飓风恶化。 Climate change worsens hurricanes by raising ocean temperatures and increasing rainfall. 虽然太阳地球工程是作为应对气候变化的一个潜在解决办法而提出的,但它仍然是实验性的,风险很大。 While solar geoengineering is proposed as a potential solution to combat climate change, it remains experimental and risky. 重点应放在减少温室气体排放,以减轻飓风的影响。 The focus should be on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate hurricane impacts.