休斯顿韦斯特海默路行人被车撞身亡;司机返回后,HPD 车辆犯罪部门正在进行调查。 Pedestrian dies after being hit by car on Westheimer Road in Houston; driver returns, HPD's Vehicular Crimes Division investigates.
休斯顿韦斯特海默路行人被车辆撞死;汽车司机最初离开现场,但后来返回并表明身份,休斯敦警察局车辆犯罪部门正在调查。 Pedestrian dies after being hit by vehicle on Westheimer Road in Houston; the driver of the car initially left the scene but later returned and identified themselves, and the Houston Police Department's Vehicular Crimes Division is investigating. 事故发生在早上 7 点 30 分左右,当时行人试图从 Sage 路的北侧穿越到南侧。 The crash occurred around 7:30 a.m. as the pedestrian attempted to cross from the north to the south side at Sage Road. 目前尚不清楚事故发生时行人是否在人行横道上。 It is unclear if the pedestrian was in the crosswalk at the time of the accident.