爱达荷州新的30岁以下选民登记增加了38%,超过2020年总数。 38% of Idaho's new under-30 voter registrations increase, surpassing 2020 totals.
在伊达霍,30岁以下个人的选民登记激增,9月3日至10月3日之间,25 000多个新登记的近38%来自这一年龄组。 In Idaho, voter registration among individuals under 30 surged, with nearly 38% of over 25,000 new registrations between September 3 and October 3 being from this age group. 截至10月4日,爱达荷州共有1 042 000名登记选民,超过2020年总数,预计11月投票率创纪录。 Overall, as of October 4, Idaho has 1,042,000 registered voters, surpassing 2020 totals, and anticipates record turnout in November. 国务秘书办公室通过数据仪表板促进透明度,以建立选民信心和抵制关于选民人口构成的不实信息。 The Secretary of State's Office promotes transparency through data dashboards to build voter confidence and counter misinformation about voter demographics.