273名非公民从南达科他州选民名册中除名,以维护选举的完整性。 273 noncitizens removed from South Dakota voter rolls to maintain election integrity.
南达科他州国务卿办公室已将273名非公民从州选民名册上除名,以维护选举的完整性。 The South Dakota Secretary of State's Office has removed 273 noncitizens from the state's voter rolls to uphold election integrity. 在公共安全部审查的推动下,这一行动旨在防止不适当的选民登记。 This action, prompted by the Department of Public Safety's review, aims to prevent improper voter registration. 南达科他州共有登记选民682 031人,活跃选民617 396人。 South Dakota has 682,031 total registered voters, with 617,396 active voters. 该办公室没有透露非公民投票或登记方式的细节。 The office has not disclosed details about whether the noncitizens voted or how they were registered.