2024 亚洲餐馆和外卖奖:Newcastle的Chakh Doom赢得年度街头食品餐厅。 2024 Asian Restaurant and Takeaway Awards: Newcastle's Chakh Doom wins Street Food Restaurant of the Year.
Chakh Doom是一家纽卡斯尔印度餐馆,在伦敦2024年亚洲餐馆和外卖奖中被命名为一年的街头食品餐厅。 Chakh Doom, a Newcastle Indian restaurant, has been named Street Food Restaurant of the Year at the 2024 Asian Restaurant and Takeaway Awards in London. 酒店于2023年底开业,迅速获得"东北地区最好的酒店"的称号. Opened in late 2023, it has quickly gained acclaim as "the best in the North East." 另外,莱斯特的My Delhi Indian街头餐厅获得年度新人奖,而贝尔法斯特的Nu Dehli Lounge连续第三次获得年度亚洲餐厅奖,展示了该行业对英国经济的贡献. Additionally, My Delhi Indian Streetery in Leicester won Newcomer of the Year, while Belfast’s Nu Dehli Lounge secured Asian Restaurant of the Year for the third consecutive time, showcasing the industry's contributions to the UK economy.