犹他共和党支持特朗普, 尽管大盐湖的衰落和气候怀疑。 Utah Republicans support Trump despite Great Salt Lake's decline and climate skepticism.
犹他州共和党人,包括那些目睹大盐湖急剧萎缩的人 - 40年来下降了三分之二 - 正在支持唐纳德·特朗普在即将到来的选举中,尽管他对气候变化持怀疑态度。 Utah Republicans, including those witnessing the Great Salt Lake's drastic shrinking—down two-thirds over 40 years—are supporting Donald Trump in the upcoming election despite his climate change skepticism. 湖泊的衰落威胁到盐湖城及其200万居民 The lake's decline threatens Salt Lake City and its two million residents. 虽然当地共和党人投资于养护工作, Trump的政策可能会破坏这些倡议和全球升温极限,引起环境专家的担忧。 While local Republicans invest in conservation efforts, Trump's policies may undermine these initiatives and global warming limits, raising concerns among environmental experts.