一对夫妇因在苏格兰贩运泰国妇女卖淫和洗钱150 000英镑而被判刑。 A couple was sentenced for trafficking Thai women into prostitution and laundering £150,000 in Scotland.
40岁的Mananchaya Wanitthanawet被判处9年徒刑,30岁的Cameron Wilson因在苏格兰贩运两名泰国妇女卖淫而被判处21个月监禁。 Mananchaya Wanitthanawet, 40, has been sentenced to nine years in prison, and Cameron Wilson, 30, received 21 months for trafficking two Thai women into prostitution in Scotland. 这对夫妇用虚假的借口引诱受害者,声称他们会在按摩院工作,而是强迫他们从事性工作,以偿还虚假债务。 The couple lured the victims under false pretenses, claiming they would work in massage parlors, but instead forced them into sex work to repay fictitious debts. 他们还被判定从犯罪活动中洗钱近15万英镑,并将面临进一步没收行动。 They were also convicted of laundering nearly £150,000 from their criminal activities and will face further confiscation actions.