三星电子公司不顾损失维持合同芯片制造业务,并计划进一步投资。 Samsung Electronics maintains its contract chip manufacturing operations despite losses, plans further investments.
世界上最大的记忆芯片制造者三星电子公司不会从合同芯片制造或逻辑芯片设计业务中掉下来,尽管这些部门由于需求疲软而每年面临数十亿的损失。 Samsung Electronics, the world's largest memory chipmaker, will not spin off its contract chip manufacturing or logic chip design operations, despite these sectors facing billions in annual losses due to weak demand. Jay Y. Lee主席肯定了该公司对这些领域的承诺。 Chairman Jay Y. Lee affirmed the company's commitment to these areas. Samsung计划在合同芯片制造方面进行大量投资,在南韩和美国新建工厂,尽管获得大型客户订单仍具有挑战性。 Samsung plans significant investments in contract chip manufacturing, with new plants in South Korea and the U.S., although securing large customer orders remains challenging.