电台主持人Jamie Theakston被诊断为第一阶段宫颈癌;治疗和恢复正在进行中。 Radio host Jamie Theakston diagnosed with stage one laryngeal cancer; treatment and recovery underway.
Heart Breakfast 的联合主持人 Jamie Theakston 被诊断出患有第一期喉癌。 Jamie Theakston, co-host of Heart Breakfast, has been diagnosed with stage one laryngeal cancer. 他的预测呈阳性,他目前正在接受语言治疗师的治疗,以恢复他的声音。 His prognosis is positive, and he is currently undergoing treatment with a speech therapist to regain his voice. 据报道, 霍尔登可能会在11月或圣诞节之前重返节目. Co-host Amanda Holden shared that he may return to the show by November or Christmas. 喉癌会影响喉咙,并可能造成吞咽时疼痛和喉咙痛等症状。 Laryngeal cancer affects the larynx and can cause symptoms like pain when swallowing and a sore throat. Theakston的诊断 是由收听者造成的 观众注意到他声音的改变 Theakston's diagnosis was prompted by listeners noticing changes in his voice.