Martyn Blake警官因谋杀Chris Kaba而受审 2022年9月5日在伦敦被枪杀 Officer Martyn Blake on trial for murder of Chris Kaba, shot in London on Sept 5, 2022.
Martyn Blake警官因谋杀Chris Kaba而受审。 Chris Kaba于2022年9月5日在伦敦Stritham被枪杀。 Officer Martyn Blake is on trial for the murder of Chris Kaba, who was shot on September 5, 2022, in Streatham, London. 24 岁的卡巴在停放的车辆之间机动时被他的奥迪挡风玻璃射穿,这引起了 AY3 警官的担忧,担心他的同事有被碾压的危险。 Kaba, 24, was shot through his Audi's windscreen while maneuvering between parked vehicles, prompting concerns from fellow officer AY3 that his colleague was in danger of being run over. 审判表明,警察没有就车辆倒行逆行的情况进行培训,并告诫警察不要靠近行驶车辆前门。 The trial revealed that police do not train for scenarios involving vehicles reversing and caution against approaching the front of moving cars.