NT通过《Declan法》,加强警察搜查学校和公共交通中武器的权力。 NT to pass Declan's Law, enhancing police search powers for weapons in schools and public transport.
北部地区准备通过《Declan法》,允许警察在学校和公共交通中搜查武器。 The Northern Territory (NT) is poised to pass Declan's Law, allowing police to search for weapons in schools and public transport. 立法包括更严格的保释条件和扩大与严重罪行有关的警察权力。 The legislation includes stricter bail conditions and expanded police powers related to serious offenses. 该法律以 2023 年被谋杀的 Declan Laverty 命名,遵循昆士兰州的杰克法,该法导致 1,000 多件武器被缉获。 Named after Declan Laverty, who was murdered in 2023, this law follows Queensland's Jack's Law, which resulted in over 1,000 weapon seizures. 批评者,包括绿党,将更改标为“倒退”。 Critics, including the Greens, label the changes as "regressive."