在"我们生活在时间"的拍摄过程中,安德鲁·加菲尔德和弗洛伦斯·普格错过了导演的提示,导致了延长的爱情场景. During "We Live In Time" filming, Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh missed the director's cue, leading to an extended love scene take.
在为《We Live In Time》拍摄爱情戏时,Andrew Garfield 和 Florence Pugh 错过了导演的停止提示,导致拍摄时间延长。 While filming a love scene for "We Live In Time," Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh missed the director's cue to stop, resulting in an extended take. 在一个宣传活动中,加菲尔德分享说他们在封闭的场景环境中感到舒适,直到发现工作人员面对墙面以避免观看,才意识到自己的错误. During a promotional event, Garfield shared that they felt comfortable in their closed set environment and didn't realize their mistake until noticing crew members facing the wall to avoid watching. 这部探索变革关系的影片将于10月11日在美国剧院发表。 The film, exploring a transformative relationship, will be released in U.S. theaters on October 11.