以奇特的旋转木马为特色的“We Live in Time”宣传图片在网上疯传,提高了电影的知名度。 "We Live in Time" promo image featuring a peculiar carousel horse goes viral, boosting film's awareness.
由弗洛伦斯·皮尤和安德鲁·加菲尔德主演的即将上映的浪漫剧情片《我们生活在时间中》的宣传图片因一匹长相奇特的旋转木马而风靡一时。 A promotional image from the upcoming romantic dramedy "We Live in Time" starring Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield has gone viral due to an odd-looking carousel horse. 这匹马不寻常的表情在社交媒体平台上引发了无数的表情包和反应,使这匹塑料马成为互联网上的轰动。 The horse's unusual expression has led to numerous memes and reactions on social media platforms, turning the plastic horse into an internet sensation. 这部电影定于 10 月 11 日上映,通过这种非常规的宣传获得了更高的知名度。 The film, set to release on October 11, has gained increased awareness through this unconventional promotion.