48岁的彼得·勃兰特 来自Ste 密苏里州吉纳维芙 (Genevieve) 在 I-55 州际公路上死于单半撞车事故,没有系安全带。 48-year-old Peter Brandt from Ste. Genevieve, Missouri died in a single-semi crash on I-55, not wearing a seatbelt.
Peter Brandt 48岁 来自Ste Peter Brandt, 48, from Ste. 密苏里州吉纳维芙于 10 月 5 日早些时候在 55 号州际公路上死于单车事故。 Genevieve, Missouri, died in a single-vehicle crash on Interstate 55 early on October 5. 他驾驶一辆半挂卡车向北行驶,偏离道路,撞上了 140 英里标记附近的广告牌。 Driving a semi-truck northbound, he veered off the road and struck a billboard near mile marker 140. Brandt在事故发生时没有系安全带,应急反应人员宣布他在现场死亡。 Brandt was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident, and emergency responders pronounced him dead at the scene. 密苏里州公路巡逻队正在调查这一事件。 The Missouri State Highway Patrol is investigating the incident.