德克萨斯州在农村道路死亡人数方面领先美国,影响道路安全的基础设施维修积压 $198B。 Texas leads the US in rural road fatalities with a $198B infrastructure repair backlog affecting road safety.
德克萨斯州因人口众多和农村地区而导致的农村道路死亡人数在美国最高。 Texas has the highest rural road fatalities in the U.S., driven by its large population and rural areas. 虽然在人均农村死亡人数中排名第11位,但情况仍然严峻。 Though it ranks 11th in rural deaths per capita, the situation remains critical. 基础设施维修积压的1 980亿美元影响到道路安全,只有大约50%的农村道路状况良好。 A $198 billion backlog in infrastructure repairs affects road safety, with only about 50% of rural roadways in good condition. 为了提高安全性, 德克萨斯州应该优先修复道路, To enhance safety, Texas should prioritize road repairs, while individuals can help by driving cautiously and wearing seatbelts.