莫斯科高级联合军司令部学校失火, 可能与无人机攻击有关, 在乌克兰无人机攻击模式下。 Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School fire, possibly linked to drone attack, amid Ukraine drone strikes pattern.
10 月 6 日,俄罗斯最古老的军事学院莫斯科高级联合武器指挥学校发生火灾,据俄罗斯 Telegram 频道暗示,可能与无人机袭击有关。 On October 6, a fire erupted at the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, Russia's oldest military academy, potentially linked to a drone attack, as suggested by Russian Telegram channels. 学校于1917年成立,为俄罗斯武装部队训练指挥官。 Founded in 1917, the school trains command staff for the Russian Armed Forces. 这一事件沿用了乌克兰针对俄罗斯军事和能源场所的无人驾驶飞机袭击的模式,标志着持续冲突可能升级。 This incident follows a pattern of Ukrainian drone strikes targeting Russian military and energy sites, marking a possible escalation in the ongoing conflict. 未报告有人受伤。 No injuries were reported.