乌克兰派出满载炸药的飞机袭击俄罗斯无人机工厂。 Ukraine flies aircraft packed with explosives into Russian drone factory.
据报道,乌克兰驾驶一架装满炸药的轻型飞机冲进俄罗斯境内深处的一家伊朗无人机工厂,这是自冲突开始以来对俄罗斯最深入的打击。 Ukraine has reportedly flown a light aircraft packed with explosives into an Iranian drone factory deep inside Russian territory, marking the deepest strike into Russia since the conflict began. 这次袭击的目标是鞑靼斯坦叶拉布加镇一座组装伊朗沙赫德爆炸性无人机工厂附近的一栋建筑,据信该建筑内有工人宿舍,距离乌克兰边境 800 多英里。 The attack targeted a building believed to contain dormitories for workers near a factory assembling Iranian Shahed explosive drones in the town of Yelabuga, Tatarstan, over 800 miles from the Ukrainian border. 此次袭击造成 13 人受伤,其中包括两名学生和两名未成年人。 The strike injured 13 people, including two students and two minors. 这是乌克兰自战争开始以来最远距离的袭击之一。 This marks one of Ukraine's longest-range strikes since the war began.