洛杉矶道奇队在克服最初的投球挑战后赢得了NLDS的第一场比赛. Los Angeles Dodgers won Game 1 of the NLDS after overcoming an initial pitching challenge.
洛杉矶道奇队克服了投手 Yoshinobu Yamamoto 具有挑战性的开局,在全国联盟分区系列赛 (NLDS) 的第 1 场比赛中取得了胜利。 The Los Angeles Dodgers overcame a challenging start from pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto to secure a victory in Game 1 of the National League Division Series (NLDS). 球队表现出了韧性,在最初的挫折后反弹,控制了比赛并最终获胜。 The team demonstrated resilience, bouncing back after initial setbacks to take control of the game and ultimately win. 这一表现为系列赛设定了积极的基调,因为它们的目的是推进季后赛。 This performance sets a positive tone for the series as they aim for advancement in the playoffs.