华盛顿特区的Kayakers通过社区努力清理被污染的阿纳科西亚河。 Kayakers in Washington, D.C., clean up polluted Anacostia River through community efforts.
华盛顿特区的当地皮艇船正在采取行动清理长期以来受到污染和碎片影响的阿纳科西亚河。 Local kayakers in Washington, D.C., are taking action to clean up the Anacostia River, long affected by pollution and debris. 通过他们的社区努力,这些人正在从水和周围地区清除废物,帮助恢复河水的健康。 Through their community efforts, these individuals are removing waste from the water and surrounding areas, helping to restore the river's health. 它们的倡议不仅解决环境问题,而且提高对减少污染和养护努力重要性的认识。 Their initiative not only addresses environmental concerns but also raises awareness about the importance of pollution reduction and conservation efforts.