消防员在30英里里里为已故同事走路, 为消防员慈善机构筹集资金. Firefighters walk 30 miles in memorial for fallen colleague, raising funds for Fire Fighters Charity.
10 月 12 日,来自 Pewsey 和 Salisbury 消防站的消防员将参加 30 英里的纪念步行活动,以纪念去年在应对紧急情况时牺牲的 Mark Hillier。 On October 12th, firefighters from Pewsey and Salisbury Fire Stations will participate in a 30-mile memorial walk to honor Mark Hillier, who died last year while responding to an emergency. 这次活动纪念他的逝世周年,并邀请家人、朋友和同事参加。 The event marks the anniversary of his passing and invites family, friends, and colleagues to participate. 捐款将支持消防员慈善事业,该慈善事业自第二次世界大战期间成立以来为消防员及其家属提供卫生和福利资源。 Donations will support the Fire Fighters Charity, which offers health and wellbeing resources to firefighters and their families since its founding during World War II.