在白宫外的一次亲巴勒斯坦抗议中,小塞缪尔·梅纳试图自焚。 During a pro-Palestinian protest outside the White House, Samuel Mena Jr. attempted self-immolation.
在白宫外的一次亲巴勒斯坦抗议中,小塞缪尔·梅纳试图自焚,点燃他的手臂。 During a pro-Palestinian protest outside the White House, Samuel Mena Jr. attempted self-immolation, igniting his arm. 旁观者在警察干预前迅速扑灭火焰。 Bystanders quickly extinguished the flames before police intervened. Mena认为自己是视觉故事讲者, Mena在事件期间对“错误信息”和“记者”表示愤怒。 Mena, who identifies as a visual storyteller, expressed anger about "misinformation" and "journalists" during the incident. 这发生在2021年哈马斯袭击以色列一周年前夕, 围绕“全国行动日”的紧张局势加剧。 This occurred just before the anniversary of the 2021 Hamas attack on Israel, amid heightened tensions surrounding a "National Day of Action."