AHL在玩家死亡后授权领带警卫,促使NHL讨论玩家的安全。 AHL mandates neck guards after a player's death, prompting NHL player safety discussions.
这篇文章谈到了曲棍球中对颈部保护的日益关注,尤其是在 AHL 在英格兰一名球员因溜冰鞋割伤而死亡后强制要求佩戴护颈装置之后。 The article addresses the growing focus on neck protection in hockey, especially after the AHL mandated neck guards following a player's death from a skate cut in England. 新泽西魔鬼队球星杰克·休斯 (Jack Hughes) 讨论了防割装备对球员安全的重要性,强调了它在冰上整体健康中的作用。 New Jersey Devils star Jack Hughes discusses the significance of cut-resistant gear for player safety, emphasizing its role in overall well-being on the ice. 该事件引发了 NHL 球员之间关于通过改进防护设备优先考虑安全的必要性的讨论。 The incident has sparked discussions among NHL players about the necessity of prioritizing safety through improved protective equipment.