26岁的Zaid Mahdawi因在内塔尼亚胡抗议期间破坏克里斯托弗·哥伦布雕像而被捕,面临联邦财产被破坏的指控。 26-year-old Zaid Mahdawi arrested for vandalizing Christopher Columbus statue during Netanyahu protests, faces destruction of federal property charge.
来自弗吉尼亚州的26岁的Zaid Mohammad Mahdawi因在抗议以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡7月访问时在华盛顿特区破坏克里斯托弗·哥伦布雕像而被捕。 Zaid Mohammad Mahdawi, a 26-year-old from Virginia, was arrested for vandalizing a Christopher Columbus statue in Washington, D.C., during protests against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's July visit. 据称他在纪念碑上喷涂着“哈马斯即将到来”。 He allegedly spray-painted "Hamas is comin" on the monument. 通过熟人提供的情报查明了Mahdawi的身份,并面临破坏联邦财产的指控,有可能导致一年的监禁。 Mahdawi was identified through tips from acquaintances and faces a charge of destruction of federal property, potentially leading to a year in prison. 清理费用超过11 000美元。 Cleanup costs exceeded $11,000.