数千匈牙利人在TISZA党领导的国家电视台总部抗议政府宣传。 Thousands of Hungarians protest against government propaganda at state television headquarters, led by TISZA party.
数千名匈牙利人在国家电视台总部外抗议,要求结束他们所说的政府宣传。 Thousands of Hungarians protested outside the state television headquarters, demanding an end to what they describe as government propaganda. 这次示威活动由彼得·马扎尔(Péter Magyar)领导的TISZA党组织,是对总理维克多·奥尔班(Viktor Orbán)自2010年以来的统治的重大挑战。 Organized by the TISZA party, led by Péter Magyar, the demonstration represents a significant challenge to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's rule since 2010. 抗议者指责国家广播公司 MTVA 的报道偏袒执政党,并呼吁其主任辞职,并计划于 10 月 23 日举行另一次示威活动。 Protesters accused the state broadcaster MTVA of biased reporting favoring the ruling party and called for the resignation of its director, with another demonstration planned for October 23.