微笑列车在世界微笑日®上照亮了全球的地标, Smile Train illuminated landmarks worldwide on World Smile Day® for its 25th anniversary and Guinness World Records title attempt.
在世界微笑日®(10 月 4 日),领先的唇腭裂护理非营利组织 Smile Train 照亮了印度和全球的地标,以提高对先天性唇腭裂儿童的认识。 On World Smile Day® (October 4), Smile Train, a leading non-profit for cleft care, illuminated landmarks across India and globally to raise awareness for children born with clefts. 这项活动是为了庆祝微笑列车成立 25 周年,旨在打破 24 小时内点亮最多地标的吉尼斯世界纪录™称号。 This initiative celebrated Smile Train's 25th anniversary and aimed to break the Guinness World Records™ title for the most landmarks lit in 24 hours. 值得注意的地点包括Mehrangarh堡和帝国大厦。 Notable sites included the Mehrangarh Fort and the Empire State Building. 本组织已经援助了200多万有骨折状况的儿童。 The organization has aided over two million children with cleft conditions.