印度政府通过提高认识、包容性运动,纪念世界脑麻痹日。 Indian government marks World Cerebral Palsy Day with awareness, inclusivity campaigns.
印度政府在10月6日「世界脑麻痹日」举办运动, 提高脑麻痹患者的认识, On October 6, World Cerebral Palsy Day was marked by the Indian government with campaigns to raise awareness and foster inclusivity for individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). 这种神经系统紊乱影响到行动和协调,往往是由于在出生之前或出生后不久脑损伤所致。 This neurological disorder affects movement and coordination, often due to brain damage before or shortly after birth. 治疗可以提高生活质量,但早期发现至关重要。 Treatments can improve quality of life, but early detection is vital. 这一天强调打破陈规定型观念,倡导权利,提高公众对CPC的挑战和不同经历的认识。 The day emphasizes breaking stereotypes, advocating for rights, and enhancing public understanding of CP's challenges and diverse experiences.