在亚拉巴马小城市,由于仇外心理和错误信息,海地移民面临挑战,因为拜登方案下涌入的人数不断增加。 Haitian migrants face challenges in small Alabama cities due to xenophobia and misinformation amid rising influx under a Biden program.
阿拉巴马有海地人口的小型城市正面临着与错误消息和仇外心理上升有关的挑战。 Small cities in Alabama with Haitian populations are confronting challenges linked to misinformation and rising xenophobia. 在海地政治动荡的推动下,许多移民根据拜登的计划进入美国,该计划允许每月有多达 30,000 人来自某些国家。 Driven by political unrest in Haiti, many migrants have entered the U.S. under a Biden program allowing up to 30,000 monthly from certain countries. 在艾伯特维尔等社区,紧张局势加剧,居民表示担心。 Tensions have escalated in communities like Albertville, where residents express concerns. 然而,地方领导人正在推动一体化努力,以支持海地社区并对抗敌对。 However, local leaders are fostering integration efforts to support the Haitian community and counteract hostility.