21岁的Yazidi妇女从加沙获救, 21-year-old Yazidi woman rescued from Gaza after a decade of ISIS captivity, involving U.S., Israel, Jordan, and Iraq collaboration.
Fawzia Amin Sido是21岁的Yazidi妇女,11岁时被伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国绑架,在被关押十年后从加沙获救。 Fawzia Amin Sido, a 21-year-old Yazidi woman kidnapped by ISIS at 11, has been rescued from Gaza after a decade of captivity. 这一行动涉及美国、以色列、约旦和伊拉克之间的合作。 The operation involved collaboration between the U.S., Israel, Jordan, and Iraq. 在以色列-哈马斯冲突期间,绑架她的人被打死后,Sido逃跑并寻求遣返。 After her captor was killed during the Israel-Hamas conflict, Sido escaped and sought repatriation. 她与在伊拉克的家人团聚,强调自伊拉克伊斯兰国2014年袭击以来数千名雅兹迪人至今仍然失踪的困境。 She was reunited with her family in Iraq, highlighting the ongoing plight of thousands of Yazidis still missing since ISIS's 2014 attacks.