26岁的宾夕法尼亚州男子因网上法定性侵犯和绑架一名13岁女孩被判处9-18年徒刑。 26-year-old Pennsylvania man sentenced 9-18 years for online statutory sexual assault and abduction of a 13-year-old girl.
Dale R. Kumler, 26岁,来自宾夕法尼亚州,因通过Xbox在网上遇到的一名13岁女孩的法定性攻击和绑架被判处9至18年徒刑。 Dale R. Kumler, a 26-year-old from Pennsylvania, was sentenced to 9 to 18 years in prison for the statutory sexual assault and abduction of a 13-year-old girl he met online through Xbox. 受害者据报失踪,被捕后不久在Kumler的家中被发现安全。 The victim, reported missing, was found safe at Kumler's home shortly after his arrest. 他对若干指控认罪,包括腐化未成年人,而在纽约的二级绑架指控作为认罪求情协议的一部分被撤销。 He pleaded guilty to several charges, including corruption of minors, while a second-degree kidnapping charge in New York was dropped as part of his plea agreement.