美国最高法院决定核管制委员会是否可以为核废料储存设施发放许可证,推翻第五巡回法庭的裁决。 U.S. Supreme Court to decide if NRC can license nuclear waste storage facilities, overturning 5th Circuit ruling.
美国最高法院将决定核管制委员会(NRC)是否可以向核废料储存设施发放许可证, The U.S. Supreme Court will decide if the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) can license nuclear waste storage facilities, following a 5th Circuit Court ruling that it cannot. 该案涉及给予得克萨斯州临时储存伙伴的许可证,但遭到得克萨斯州和新墨西哥州官员的反对。 The case involves a license granted to Interim Storage Partners in Texas, opposed by Texas and New Mexico officials. 这项决定可能影响类似的项目和更广泛的核能部门。 The decision could affect similar projects and the broader nuclear energy sector. 预计将在6月下旬作出裁决。 A ruling is expected by late June.