蒂娜·彼得斯(Tina Peters),梅萨县书记员,因违反选举数据而被判处9年徒刑,与选民欺诈指控有关。 Tina Peters, Mesa County clerk, sentenced to 9 years for election data breach, linked to voter fraud claims.
Tina Peters, 科罗拉多州梅萨县前书记官, 被判九年徒刑, 罪名是她在涉及县选举制度的数据泄露中扮演的角色, Tina Peters, former clerk of Mesa County, Colorado, has been sentenced to nine years in prison for her role in a data breach involving the county's election system, linked to unfounded claims of voter fraud from the 2020 presidential election. Peters被控多项罪名,包括篡改选举,允许My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell的一名合伙人未经授权进入该系统,破坏了公众对选举进程的信任。 Convicted of multiple charges, including election tampering, Peters allowed unauthorized access to the system by an associate of My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, undermining public trust in the electoral process.