Platinum Asset Management 接受 Regal Partners 的尽职调查,并有可能修改报价。 Platinum Asset Management accepts Regal Partners due diligence, with potential for revised offers.
在Regal最初的收购投标因低估公司价值而被否决之后,Platinum资产管理使Regal Partners得以进行尽职调查。 Platinum Asset Management has allowed Regal Partners to conduct due diligence after Regal's initial takeover bid was rejected for undervaluing the firm. Platinum 管理着约 120 亿美元的资产,如果 Regal 或其他方满足股东的价值期望,他们愿意接受 Regal 或其他方的修改报价。 Platinum, which manages around $12 billion, is open to revised offers from Regal or other parties if they meet shareholder value expectations. Regal目前对白金持有5.5%的股份,目的是在董事会一致否决第一个报价后改进其提案的条件。 Regal currently holds a 5.5% stake in Platinum and aims to improve the terms of its proposal following the board's unanimous rejection of the first offer.