巴基斯坦运动员萨比尔·索海尔获得金牌, 妹妹维罗尼卡在英联邦举重锦标赛中获得铜牌. Pakistani athlete Sabeel Sohail wins gold, sister Veronika bronze at Commonwealth Powerlifting Championship.
在南非的太阳城举行的英联邦举重锦标赛上,巴基斯坦运动员萨比尔·索海尔在47公斤的经典板压力级别中获得金牌. At the Commonwealth Powerlifting Championship in Sun City, South Africa, Pakistani athlete Sabeel Sohail won a gold medal in the 47kg Classic Bench Press category. 她的妹妹Veronika Sohail在52公斤的类别中挣到了铜。 Her sister, Veronika Sohail, earned a bronze in the 52kg category. 他们的成就凸显了巴基斯坦在举重运动中的新人才, Their achievements underscore the rising talent in powerlifting from Pakistan, showcasing the nation's competitive presence on an international stage.