NHS外科医生确定常见的浴室细菌Serratia marcescens是受免疫腐蚀的个人的潜在感染风险。 NHS surgeon identifies common bathroom bacteria Serratia marcescens as a potential infection risk for immunocompromised individuals.
NHS 外科医生 Karan Rangarajan 博士已经确定粘质沙雷氏菌是一种常见的浴室细菌,经常被误认为是“粉红色霉菌”。 Dr. Karan Rangarajan, an NHS surgeon, has identified Serratia marcescens, often misidentified as "pink mould," as a common bathroom bacteria. 虽然对多数人来说一般是安全的,但这种疾病可造成受免疫腐蚀的个人的感染。 While generally safe for most, it can cause infections in immunocompromised individuals. Rangarajan医生建议不要让它看到眼睛和伤口,如果出现症状,请咨询医生。 Dr. Rangarajan advises keeping it away from eyes and wounds and consulting a GP if symptoms arise. 为了防止其增长,专家们建议通过打开窗户和用暖气管理湿度,在卫生间通风。 To prevent its growth, experts recommend airing out bathrooms by opening windows and using heating to manage humidity.