新西兰启动RDU方案,在关闭的Kiwibuild和建设重建方案的资助下,刺激住宅建设。 New Zealand launches RDU program to stimulate residential construction with funding from closed KiwiBuild and BuildReady programs.
新西兰启动了住宅开发基础方案(RDU),以便在经济恢复时刺激住宅建设。 New Zealand has launched a Residential Development Underwrite (RDU) program to stimulate residential construction as the economy recovers. 该倡议旨在帮助可靠的开发商获得融资,特别是在奥克兰和惠灵顿等人口众多的地区。 The initiative aims to help credible developers access financing, particularly in high-population areas like Auckland and Wellington. 资金将来自关闭的KiwiBuild和建设重建方案的未使用资源。 Funding will come from unused resources of the closed KiwiBuild and BuildReady programs. 符合资格的项目必须至少有30个住家和必要的同意。 Eligible projects must have at least 30 homes and necessary consents. 登记从10月7日开始。 Registrations begin October 7.