明尼苏达州因工资盗窃和恶劣的生活条件与 Evergreen Acres Dairy 以 $250K 达成和解。 Minnesota settles with Evergreen Acres Dairy for $250K over wage theft and poor living conditions.
明尼苏达州已与 Evergreen Acres Dairy 以 250,000 美元达成和解,原因是工资盗窃和工人生活条件恶劣。 Minnesota has settled with Evergreen Acres Dairy for $250,000 over wage theft and poor living conditions for workers. 在被指控系统性扣留工资和未经授权的租金扣除之后,和解要求改善住房并遵守劳动法。 The settlement requires improvements to housing and compliance with labor laws, following allegations of systematic wage withholding and unauthorized rent deductions. 奶制品必须书面同意扣除工资,并将监测三年。 The dairy must provide written consent for pay deductions and will be monitored for three years. 本案突显了国家农业劳动力中持续存在的剥削问题。 This case highlights ongoing issues of exploitation within the state's agricultural workforce.