在阿克拉 #FreeTheCitizen 和 #StopGalamseyNow 抗议活动期间,穆斯林青年因路障与警察发生冲突。 During the Accra #FreeTheCitizen and #StopGalamseyNow protests, Muslim youths clashed with police over a barricade.
在加纳阿克拉 #FreeTheCitizen #StopGalamseyNow 抗议活动的第二天,穆斯林青年与警察就安全路障发生冲突。 During the second day of the #FreeTheCitizen and #StopGalamseyNow protests in Accra, Ghana, Muslim youths clashed with police over a barricade set for security. 沮丧的是,他们拆除了路障,违抗了警察的命令。 Frustrated, they removed the barricade and defied police orders. 这些抗议旨在解决非法开采问题并要求释放被捕的示威者,引起对警察行为的批评。 前总统约翰·马哈马称,警察行为是粗暴和践踏人权的行为。 The protests, which aim to address illegal mining and demand the release of arrested demonstrators, have drawn criticism for police conduct, described by former President John Mahama as heavy-handed and an abuse of human rights.