2011年至2014年,76岁的数学教师Quy Huy Hoang否认在悉尼多次指控少女遭受性虐待。 76-year-old math tutor Quy Huy Hoang denies multiple charges of sexual abuse of young girls in Sydney from 2011 to 2014.
76岁的数学教师Quy Huy Hoang对2011年至2014年在西南悉尼对4名3至7岁女孩实施性虐待的多项指控表示不服罪。 Quy Huy Hoang, a 76-year-old mathematics tutor, has pleaded not guilty to multiple charges of sexual abuse against four girls aged 3 to 7 in southwest Sydney between 2011 and 2014. 指控包括与10岁以下儿童性交和对16岁以下儿童进行猥亵攻击。 Accusations include sexual intercourse with a child under 10 and indecent assault of a child under 16. 据称,在辅导课程中,Hoang利用了女孩家庭的信任。 Hoang allegedly exploited the trust of the girls' families during tutoring sessions. 他在向警方报告指控后于2014年被捕,审判正在进行中。 He was arrested in 2014 after allegations were reported to the police, and the trial is ongoing.