2023年,澳大利亚维多利亚州记录了543例吸毒过量死亡,接近2022年的最高水平,其中70%涉及多种物质。 543 drug overdose deaths recorded in Victoria, Australia in 2023, nearing 2022's high, with 70% involving multiple substances.
2023年,澳大利亚维多利亚州记录了543例吸毒过量死亡,接近前一年的550例,地区占总数的25%。 In 2023, Victoria, Australia, recorded 543 drug overdose deaths, nearing the previous year's high of 550, with regional areas accounting for 25% of the total. 超过70%的死亡事件涉及多种药物,主要是西巴姆,海洛因,甲基胺,酒精和普雷加巴林. Over 70% of fatalities involved multiple substances, predominantly diazepam, heroin, methamphetamine, alcohol, and pregabalin. 维多利亚酒精和药物协会对死亡人数上升表示震惊,并敦促政府制定一项计划,应对合成类阿片威胁日益增加的问题。 The Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association expressed alarm over rising deaths and urged the government to create a plan to combat the increasing threat of synthetic opioids.