2021年,爱尔兰的毒品中毒死亡人数减少了19%,其中70%的病例涉及类阿片。 2021 saw a 19% decrease in drug poisoning deaths in Ireland, with opioids involved in 70% of cases.
爱尔兰健康研究委员会的一份报告显示,2021年,毒品中毒死亡人数下降了19%,总共354人死亡,比2020年的439人有所下降。 A report from Ireland's Health Research Board revealed a 19% decrease in drug poisoning deaths in 2021, totaling 354 fatalities, down from 439 in 2020. 类阿片,特别是美沙酮,占死亡人数的70%。 Opioids, particularly methadone, were involved in 70% of deaths. 处方药,包括苯二氮卓类药物和普瑞巴林,是重要的贡献者,多物质使用普遍存在。 Prescription drugs, including benzodiazepines and pregabalin, were significant contributors, with polysubstance use prevalent. 报告强调需要改善监测和获得治疗的机会,以应对过剂量风险。 The report emphasizes the need for better monitoring and access to treatment to address overdose risks.