梵蒂冈银行以结婚为由解雇两名雇员,违反了新的禁止工作场所结婚的禁令。 Vatican Bank dismisses two employees for marrying, violating a new workplace marriage ban.
梵蒂冈银行以结婚为由解雇了两名雇员,违反了新颁布的禁止工作场所婚姻的禁令。 The Vatican Bank has terminated two employees for marrying, violating a newly enacted ban on workplace marriages. 尽管有辞职的选择,但夫妇拒绝,导致他们被解雇。 Despite options to resign, the couple refused, leading to their dismissal. 银行援引该政策为防止裙带关系和利益冲突所必要的。 The bank cites the policy as necessary to prevent nepotism and conflicts of interest. 这对夫妇被称为"罗密欧和朱丽叶", 计划在蒂冈民事法庭上诉这一决定, 辩称解雇侵犯了他们的基本权利. The couple, referred to as "Romeo and Juliet," plans to appeal the decision in Vatican civil court, arguing the dismissals infringe on their fundamental rights.