新加坡的OH! SOME于9月20日在马来西亚推出两家商店, Singapore's OH!SOME launches two stores in Malaysia on 20 Sept, planning more expansion.
新加坡时髦零售品牌SOME于9月20日在马来西亚的Johor Bahru和Taiping两家商店成立。 OH!SOME, a trendy retail brand from Singapore, launched two stores in Malaysia on September 20, located in Johor Bahru and Taiping. 大型商店提供10 000多种生活方式产品,包括迪士尼和皮克斯的物品,目的是创造新的购物趋势。 The expansive stores offer over 10,000 lifestyle products, including items from Disney and Pixar, aiming to create a new shopping trend. 在印度尼西亚取得成功后,OH!SOME计划在12月开设吉隆坡商店,并在马来西亚和东南亚进一步扩大。 Following its success in Indonesia, OH!SOME plans to open a Kuala Lumpur store in December and expand further across Malaysia and Southeast Asia.