1900年代 Emily Carr 谷仓销售画,最初为50美元,预计拍卖时价格会更高。 1900s Emily Carr barn sale painting, initially $50, expected to fetch higher price at auction.
Emily Carr的画本来是在美国谷仓销售中以50美元购买的,现在准备拍卖。 An Emily Carr painting, originally bought for $50 at a U.S. barn sale, is set to be auctioned. 这篇文章突显了卡尔在加拿大艺术中的重要性, 以及它出乎意料的发现引起了人们的注意。 The piece highlights Carr's significance in Canadian art, and its unexpected discovery has drawn attention. 预计拍卖将获得更高的价格,展示绘画的价值和在不可能的地方藏藏宝藏的可能性。 The auction is anticipated to fetch a much higher price, showcasing the painting's value and the potential for hidden treasures in unlikely places.