PUMA 与 Aishwarya Sharma 共同发起 #KnowYourStuff 活动,以研究皮革对环境的影响。 PUMA launches #KnowYourStuff campaign with Aishwarya Sharma to examine leather's environmental impact.
PUMA发起了“了解你”运动, 以全球目标组织大使Aishwarya Sharma为主角, 研究皮革及其替代品对环境的影响。 PUMA has initiated the #KnowYourStuff campaign, featuring Global Goals Ambassador Aishwarya Sharma, to examine the environmental effects of leather and its alternatives. 在PUMA的YouTube和Aishwarya的Instagram上提供这七部分系列,其中包括PUMA利益攸关方和PETA的见解。 The seven-part series, available on PUMA's YouTube and Aishwarya's Instagram, includes insights from PUMA stakeholders and PETA. 目前,皮革只占PUMA鞋类材料的4%,来自经认证的制革厂,通过与皮革工作组等组织的伙伴关系。 Currently, leather comprises just 4% of PUMA's footwear materials, sourced from certified tanneries through partnerships with organizations like the Leather Working Group.