Las Cruces消防员在云舞道上扑灭了一场房屋火灾,没有人受伤。 Las Cruces firefighters extinguished a house fire on Cloud Dance Drive with no injuries.
周一晚上 9 点 45 分左右,拉斯克鲁塞斯消防员对 Cloud Dance Drive 一栋两层住宅的火灾做出了回应。 On Monday night, Las Cruces firefighters responded to a fire at a two-story home on Cloud Dance Drive around 9:45 PM. 抵达后,他们在墙内发现火焰,并在30分钟内扑灭火焰。 Upon arrival, they found flames within the walls and were able to extinguish the fire within 30 minutes. 幸运的是,没有关于受伤的报告。 Fortunately, there were no injuries reported. 调查人员目前正在调查火灾的原因并评估损害情况。 Investigators are currently looking into the cause of the fire and assessing the damage.