欧盟为海上安全向肯尼亚海事管理局捐赠5艘搜救船。 EU donates 5 search and rescue boats to Kenya's Maritime Authority for maritime safety.
欧洲联盟向肯尼亚海事局捐赠了5艘搜救船,以改善海上安全。 The European Union has donated five search and rescue boats to Kenya's Maritime Authority to improve maritime safety. 在Go Blue项目的资助下,这些船只装备齐全,可以在肯尼亚海岸线上有效作业,并将加强应急能力。 Funded by the Go Blue project, the boats are equipped for efficient operation along Kenya's coastline and will enhance emergency response capabilities. 这一举措反映了对海上安全的长期承诺,辅之以对地方机构的培训,确保更好地保护沿海社区和国际航运。 This initiative reflects a long-term commitment to maritime safety, supported by training for local agencies, ensuring better protection for coastal communities and international shipping.